Our daughter has been checking out the Converse site with her friends since last summer. They have poured hours upon hours creating their dream shoe. They muse over the tongue color, the stitch color, the outside pattern, and even the color of the rubber soles, altering their ideal shoe every few days, until it is rendered perfect in their minds. Since this began, my husband and I have been receiving bi-weekly reports from our daughter on her latest Converse cyber creation.
For Christmas 2008, as did many families, we cut back on our budget. We decided to give one nice gift to the kids and only a few smaller ones to supplement.
There is no better time to lift our spirits by choosing the "nice" gift to be something that is a bit frivolous and yet intensely creative and personal.
For P's gift, we told her she could place the order for her dream shoe. The shoes arrived today. I could not have been happier with any other gift for her.
I grew up with three sisters. We did not have a lot of money and my parents struggled to do their best for us. I remember when all the cool girls wore A Smile pants and Famolari wedge shoes. I did get one pair of A Smiles. They were on clearance at Lamont's and last season's color. I was so grateful and happy.
We are a little better off than my parents were, but we still have to make tough choices with our money. The decision to spend way more on my daughter's shoes than I usually spend on myself, feels like a rectification. A good one.
When times are tough, it feels good to be a little impractical and whimsical. I know P is ecstatic with her gift and we are vicariously joyous. Check it.
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